

Scattered Canary Threat Dossier

Business email compromise (BEC) has continued to grow into a billion-dollar industry as cybercriminals turn to it as their preferred scam. But with the West African gang we’ve named Scattered Canary, we have deeper insight into how BEC is connected to the rest of cybercrime, and why it has grown in recent years. Download the threat dossier to learn: How Scattered Canary grew from a one-man...

Scarlet Widow Part 2: BEC Bitcoin Laundry—Scam, Rinse, Repeat

While many cybercriminal gangs scam medium-sized and large corporations, Agari has now uncovered and documented the practices of a Nigeria-based scammer group, dubbed Scarlet Widow, that has evolved a different strategy focused on more vulnerable sectors such as school districts, universities, and nonprofits. In this report, we uncover: How...

Cosmic Lynx Threat Dossier: The Rise of Russian BEC

Cosmic Lynx is a Russia-based BEC cybercriminal organization that has significantly impacted the email threat landscape with sophisticated, high-dollar phishing attacks. In this threat dossier, you’ll discover key details about Cosmic Lynx, including: How Cosmic targets global corporations with incredibly sophisticated BEC attacks How Cosmic Lynx exploits DMARC controls to impersonate...

Threat Intelligence Brief: The Geography of BEC

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a worldwide scourge affecting more than three-fourths of the world’s economies. Around the globe, BEC cybercriminals operate with impunity to steal $26 billion each year. The Agari Cyber Intelligence Division conducted nearly 10,000 active engagements with BEC threat actors and captured the scope of BEC’s global footprint and trends. In this report, you’ll...

Trusted Email Identity: Securing the Foundation of Digital Communications

While new business communication and collaboration tools emerge every day, an employee’s email address often serves as the one constant identity that is leveraged by other forms of digital communication. But, despite its ubiquity, email remains a leading attack vector. Spear phishing, business email compromise (BEC) scams and other forms of advanced email attacks successfully bilk businesses out...

Download the Latest Email Fraud & Identity Deception Trends Report

In 2021 alone, the FBI's IC3 report published that over $44 million in losses were a direct result of effective phishing and advanced email scams. The Agari Cyber Intelligence Division analyzed trillions of emails and nearly 500 million Internet domains to uncover the scope and impact of this email fraud… and the trends that benchmark enterprise security teams’ ability to respond to email threats....

Ransomware: Exploring the Leading Cyber Extortion Tool

Ransomware has evolved from targeting individuals to extorting large sums of money from businesses with the threat of releasing or destroying their private company data. This type of email-based attack can cause tremendous financial losses as well as reputation damage that’s difficult and expensive to repair. Read our ransomware white paper now for insights from Agari Chief Scientist Markus...

Financial Services Tips for Securing Email with Agari

Financial Services Tips for Securing Email with Agari Although email is one of the primary digital channels for customer interaction within financial services institutions, it has never been secure. Today, with phishing more common than ever, anyone can spoof your brand and leverage it to hijack sensitive information from your customers. Phishing has played a role in almost every type of...

Agari Threat Intelligence Third-Party Integration

Strengthen Your Security Posture With a continually evolving threat landscape, organizations are under increased pressure to manage security vulnerabilities. They often need to deploy multiple threat intelligence feeds to assist in this process by identifying common indicators of compromise (IOC) and indicators of attack (IOA) and then recommending the necessary steps to prevent attack or...

Agari App for Splunk

Why Integrated Email Threat Data Matters Email is a primary vector for attacks on your business today—and email threats are evolving faster than ever. But actionable data about email attacks is often inaccessible to time-strapped security operations and incident response teams. That disconnect leaves your business vulnerable and unable to mitigate hidden email threats. Improve Visibility with...

Fortra's Integration for Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR

Why Integrated Email Threat Data Matters Email is a primary vector for attacks on your business today—and email threats are evolving faster than ever. But actionable data about email attacks is often inaccessible to time-strapped security operations and incident response teams. That disconnect leaves your business vulnerable and unable to mitigate hidden email threats. Improve Visibility with...

Post-Enforcement Advantages of Agari DMARC Protection

AT A GLANCE After reaching a DMARC enforcement policy, Agari DMARC Protection continues to provide immense value to customers. BENEFITS Improves customer trust by protecting your brand from being used in phishing attacks. Decreases time to reject by automating implementation. Maximizes marketing efficacy and improves email engagement with trusted communications. Reduces operational costs...
Press Release

Agari Identifies First-ever Reported Russian BEC Cybercriminal Ring Targeting Executives in 46 Countries Across Six Continents

FOSTER CITY, Calif. (July 7, 2020) -- Agari, the market share leader in phishing defense solutions for the enterprise, revealed today details of the threat actor group dubbed Cosmic Lynx, the first-ever reported Russian cybercriminal ring to conduct business email compromise (BEC) phishing scams. This is a historic shift to the global email threat landscape and portends new and sophisticated...

Domains Associated with Exaggerated Lion BEC Campaigns

Below is the list of domains associated with Exaggerated Lion BEC Campaigns. You can access the PDF version of this list by clicking the "Download PDF Version" button at the top of this page.

Getting Started with DMARC: A Guide for Healthcare Organizations

Advanced email attacks against healthcare organizations can result in breached patient data, stolen funds, and brand damage. With DMARC, your organization can secure its email channel, prevent phishing, and maintain the trust you’ve earned with your patients, partners, and providers. Read this white paper to learn: What DMARC is and how it works; The benefits of DMARC for your employees,...

Federal Agency Plan of Action Guide & Template

To meet DHS’ Binding Operational Directive (BOD) 18-01, agencies were required to submit a Federal agency plan of action to improve email and web security by November 15th. If this deadline came and went without submission – we have you covered. Leverage our Agency Plan of Action template and follow our guide that includes a timeline with key milestones to ensure you comply with BOD 18-01. Our...

Fortra Advanced Email Security + Microsoft 365

A majority of companies are shifting to Microsoft 365. See why integrating Fortra Advanced Email Security is needed to protect your email environment.

2020 Election Security

The 2020 Election Security Poll delves into the issue of election security from the voters’ perspective. Findings include: 69% of registered voters say that foreign interference in 2020 U.S. presidential election campaigns is a threat to U.S. democracy 59% of respondents said receiving a fake/phishing email from one campaign would negatively impact their donation to other 2020 U.S....