

Email Security Enterprise Services

Business Challenge Agari’s cloud-based security solutions allow you to stop and respond to BEC and phishing attacks on your employees and protect your customers from phishing attacks. Agari’s Customer Enablement and Support organization is committed to the success of our customers and works to ensure Agari customers achieve value through the...

Agari Continuous Detection and Response

While email security solutions are designed to catch malicious emails before they reach user inboxes, no solution discovers every single malicious email 100% of the time. There is an ever-increasing number of new attacks, and cybercriminals are getting smarter. As new sources of threat intelligence or new social engineering attacks are discovered from SOC analyst investigation, post-delivery...

Agari DMARC Protection

Email is a critical communication channel to engage with customers. Unfortunately, it is also the primary vector that cybercriminals use to exploit a brand and target its customer base with advanced phishing attacks. Malicious emails from cybercriminals can damage a brand, erode customer trust, and impact a corporation’s bottom line. Increasingly, consumers are valuing security and trusted...

Agari Automation and Hosting Features

The Email Authentication Challenge Email is the #1 way attackers target an organization’s customers and email ecosystem. DMARC authentication, specifically with an enforcement policy of Reject, is the single most effective way to close this vulnerability inherent to email. While the premise of authentication is straightforward, organizations can encounter roadblocks and challenges along the way...

Agari Phishing Response

Phishing and other email-based attacks account for 94% of breaches, with cybercriminals exfiltrating data mere hours after gaining access. However, it often takes months for businesses to discover a breach—and even longer to remediate it. Traditional security controls rely on blocking cyberattacks at a single point in time when email is delivered, attachments are executed, or URLs are clicked. In...

Secure Microsoft 365 with Fortra Advanced Email Security

The benefits of moving to Microsoft 365—easily communicating and collaborating inside and outside of the organization while working anywhere from any device at any time—are well known. However, along with the convenience of a highly available and easily accessible environment comes an increased security risk. While M365 provides security to stop spam, known viruses, or malware, it does not provide...

Fortra's Cloud Email Protection

Advanced email threats use impersonation and other techniques to easily bypass traditional email defenses like Secure Email Gateways. And while there are bolt-on security upgrades offered by cloud email providers–like Microsoft 365–they offer little protection against sophisticated threats. Once these malicious emails make it into user inboxes, cleaning them up is costly and arduous. Fortra's...

Financial Services Tips for Securing Email with Agari

Financial Services Tips for Securing Email with Agari Although email is one of the primary digital channels for customer interaction within financial services institutions, it has never been secure. Today, with phishing more common than ever, anyone can spoof your brand and leverage it to hijack sensitive information from your customers. Phishing has played a role in almost every type of...

Agari Threat Intelligence Third-Party Integration

Strengthen Your Security Posture With a continually evolving threat landscape, organizations are under increased pressure to manage security vulnerabilities. They often need to deploy multiple threat intelligence feeds to assist in this process by identifying common indicators of compromise (IOC) and indicators of attack (IOA) and then recommending the necessary steps to prevent attack or...

Agari App for Splunk

Why Integrated Email Threat Data Matters Email is a primary vector for attacks on your business today—and email threats are evolving faster than ever. But actionable data about email attacks is often inaccessible to time-strapped security operations and incident response teams. That disconnect leaves your business vulnerable and unable to mitigate hidden email threats. Improve Visibility with...

Fortra's Integration for Palo Alto Networks Cortex XSOAR

Why Integrated Email Threat Data Matters Email is a primary vector for attacks on your business today—and email threats are evolving faster than ever. But actionable data about email attacks is often inaccessible to time-strapped security operations and incident response teams. That disconnect leaves your business vulnerable and unable to mitigate hidden email threats. Improve Visibility with...

Post-Enforcement Advantages of Agari DMARC Protection

AT A GLANCE After reaching a DMARC enforcement policy, Agari DMARC Protection continues to provide immense value to customers. BENEFITS Improves customer trust by protecting your brand from being used in phishing attacks. Decreases time to reject by automating implementation. Maximizes marketing efficacy and improves email engagement with trusted communications. Reduces operational costs...
Press Release

Agari Identifies First-ever Reported Russian BEC Cybercriminal Ring Targeting Executives in 46 Countries Across Six Continents

FOSTER CITY, Calif. (July 7, 2020) -- Agari, the market share leader in phishing defense solutions for the enterprise, revealed today details of the threat actor group dubbed Cosmic Lynx, the first-ever reported Russian cybercriminal ring to conduct business email compromise (BEC) phishing scams. This is a historic shift to the global email threat landscape and portends new and sophisticated...

Customer Phishing Protection Couldn’t Be Easier with PhishLabs' Digital Risk Protection

It’s not news that cybercrime is a constant battle—large enterprises and small businesses everywhere are susceptible to a myriad of advanced email threats and socially engineered attacks, such as executive or brand impersonation. According to IC3’s Internet Crime Report, over $44 million in losses in 2021 were a direct result of malicious phishing and advanced email scams. Despite billions having...

Agari Active Defense

Uncover Actionable Insights with BEC Threat Intelligence Phishing and BEC attacks represent a significant, ongoing threat to business. It’s critical to understand the strategies and tactics targeting your organization and defend against the ever-present risks, along with the potential financial liabilities that come with them. Phishing Is a Game of Cat and Mouse Cybercriminals utilize digital...

Account Takeover Attack Prevention

Organizations are more likely to be breached today than ever before, as cybercriminals shift tactics once again, using account takeovers (ATOs) to launch targeted email attacks. In fact, a recent Osterman Research survey reported that one in five organizations fell victim to an ATO-based email attack within the past 12 months. Attackers know that trusted email is the most effective way of...

Five Key Points When Preventing Cybersecurity Attacks in a World of Hybrid Working

On 19 July, the UK will finally lift the final social distancing measures that were put in place during the pandemic. Although concerns about the pandemic still exist, many people will now be contemplating a tentative return to the office. Although the benefits of homeworking are well-documented and recent events have proven that people can work just as effectively from home as they can from the...

SMTPS: Securing SMTP and the Differences Between SSL, TLS, and the Ports They Use

What is the difference between SMTPS and SMTP? SMTPS uses additional SSL or TLS cryptographic protocols for improved security, and the extra "S" stands for SECURE! By default, SMTP to send email lacks encryption and can be used for sending without any protection in place, leaving emails with an SMTP setup susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks...

Why Cybersecurity Matters: Elevating IT to the C-Suite in Your Organization

There isn’t a CEO or board member in the world that would publicly state that their organization believes cybersecurity doesn’t matter. A Cybersecurity Ventures report has forecast that cybercrime will cost businesses worldwide an astonishing $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, so it’s an evident and sizable area of concern. Any CEO not taking this seriously would be roundly criticized by customers,...

5 Big Myths about DMARC, Debunked

With email attacks contributing to billions of lost dollars each year, a growing number of organizations are adopting Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) in an effort to protect themselves and their customers from fraudsters. Adoption of DMARC has steadily gained traction since the onset of the pandemic, and the original email authentication protocols at the heart...