

Stop Cyber Attacks Before They Start: Data Harvesting and Targeting

The Greek philosopher Plato wrote that “the beginning is the most important part of the work.” The great American statesman, scientist, and philosopher Benjamin Franklin similarly emphasized the importance of planning when he stated that “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” It is unfortunate that many cybercriminals heed their advice today. The number of threats continues to...

Cybersecurity Risks in the Supply Chain Are Leaving Organizations Vulnerable

When it comes to cybersecurity, any organization is only as strong as its weakest link. It may have invested in the best email security solutions, information security, web security solutions, and Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) on the market. It may also have trained its employees to recognize and react to cyber-attacks and put in place the processes to deal with social engineering lures. But...

The Not-So-Hidden Dangers of Hidden Data

Odds are, files and documents in your organization are not sitting in a folder on a desk or in a filing cabinet in the office. On the contrary, they are sitting on the cloud or computer desktop, and they are being transferred over email. The convenience of sending documents quickly with a few clicks has transformed the speed of business. But, like all things digital, convenience comes with risks....

Gone Phishing: What’s the Best Way to Educate Staff on Security?

How do you work out the weakest link in your team? Who is that employee most likely to fall prey to the socially engineered scams that are making billions of pounds for cyber criminals on the black market? Pertinent questions in the aftermath of the recent Kaspersky Lab report that revealed more than 100 banks, financial institutions and e-payment systems in over 30 countries had been targeted by...

The Seven Deadly Sins of Cybersecurity

Knowing what your employees are up to, enables you to strengthen your security policies. We all make mistakes at work from time to time. And sometimes we do things we know we shouldn’t. In the fast paced modern world, it’s easy enough to send an email to the wrong person or end up taking company information home. Often the consequences will be a bit of embarrassment, but every now and again they...

Cybersecurity and the Finance Sector: The Need for Stronger Data Protection Capabilities

After the fallout of the recent Capital One and Equifax data breaches, Clearswift commissioned a survey into the financial services sector to find out the extent of financial companies’ data protection capabilities. Worryingly, the results highlighted that 70% of financial enterprise organizations have experienced a cyber security incident in the past 12 months. This finding (among others uncovered by our survey) highlights an increased industry need for financial organizations to shift gears and speed up the innovation and deployment of effective risk-mitigation strategies to address the latest cyber threats.

Do You Have a Sensitive Data Protection Checklist?

Data breaches and data loss, including the loss of sensitive information, are scary scenarios, and while no one can guarantee a cyberattack will not happen, there are ways to protect your organization’s data. We take a look at the top five tips for protecting your sensitive data.

Maintaining Cybersecurity During Rapid Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements.

Phishing with Invisible Ink

You might remember as a child, there was a revelation…invisible ink. Stepping forward to today, there is now a new type of phishing which uses invisible ink, or as it’s also called, ‘zero font’, as a means to beat the spam and phishing filters. Anti-spam / phishing filters work in several different ways; they look for specific words or phrases and there is then a statistical element. If there are 100,000 instances of the same message, it’s probably spam.

Best Practice Steps for Safe Data Sharing

Digital data is everywhere, you only have to look at how much data is transmitted over the internet on a weekly, daily, hourly, or even second-by-second basis to understand just how much data is being shared.

How to Prevent The Data Breach That Keeps On Happening

The potential for revealing personally identifiable information (PII) in the ‘To’ or ‘CC’ fields of an email is a risk well understood. Yet despite this, it remains the source of far too many data breaches.

Top 5 Cybersecurity Threats to the UK Healthcare Sector

The sheer volume and complexity of data held within the UK healthcare sector makes it a challenge from a cybersecurity perspective to keep secure. In fact, research from a survey we conducted recently revealed that 67% of healthcare organizations in the UK have suffered a cybersecurity incident over the last 12 months. With the introduction of new data regulations and new technologies across the...

Advanced Information Security Features for Microsoft Office 365

In the last few years, Microsoft 365 (M365) has eclipsed all other cloud providers to emerge as the most widely used enterprise cloud service and the latest survey data shows that adoption of M365 is still increasing. It is not just impressive in its adoption rates, Microsoft has also been incremental evolving business technology; organizations now rely on cloud technology to function. However,...

What Is an Enterprise’s Secondary Line of Defense Against Phishing Emails?

Following a multi-layered approach to phishing defense is a good idea, but using what you have close to home is best when it comes to a sensible security posture. In practice, a robust security awareness training program is key to instruct employees on what to look for when trying to spot phishing emails that may have landed in their inboxes.

What Is an Enterprise’s Primary Line of Defense Against Phishing Emails?

Through a layered approach utilizing a comprehensive solution as the primary defense, Fortra fills major gaps in email platform security by protecting users from external threats and safeguarding your sensitive data from being leaked both inside and outside your organization.

Holiday Season Triggers Rise in Counterfeit Activity

Counterfeit activity increases every year during the pre-holiday shopping blitz -- most notably Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas and Hanukkah. Arm yourself with defenses now to combat ever-evolving counterfeiting methods during peak retail shopping season.
On-Demand Webinar

How to Protect Against Advanced Email Threats

Unfortunately, the bad news about data breaches, cybersecurity scams, and email attacks is constant and the numbers are more staggering with each year. Learn which steps to take now to protect your organization’s email ecosystem, such as collecting threat intelligence, mitigating against brand impersonation, and training your employees on security awareness, all while maintaining compliance.