
On-Demand Webinar

Federal Webinar - How to Comply with BOD 18-01

This web panel with DHS, HHS, the Global Cybersecurity Alliance and Agari provides clarity on DMARC and BOD 18-01 compliance. Watch now.

What is a Data Breach?

Transcript A data breach occurs anytime somebody has unauthorized access to data. In a corporate sense, this can be anytime that an employee internally is able to access data that they do not have permission for, or more specifically, when somebody outside of the organization is able to gain access inside the organization by using compromised credentials...

Using Agari in Messaging Operations

Transcript The number one email-based challenge that businesses face today is stopping the advanced identity-based attack. This is the attack where the bad guy impersonates one of your high-value employees and then uses that impersonated email to either get money out of the company via a wire transfer, or to get credentials and get into the company systems...
On-Demand Webinar

Cosmic Lynx Threat Disorder: The Rise of Russian BEC

In this webinar, Agari Sr. Director of Threat Research, Crane Hassold discusses Cosmic Lynx, the first-ever reported Russian BEC criminal organization, and how the group has significantly impacted the email threat landscape with sophisticated, high-dollar phishing attacks.

Agari DMARC Protection Explainer

Transcript Email remains the most popular method for businesscommunications. It's also the number one target for cyber attacks. And one malicious email is all it takes to destroy years ofbuilding a trusted relationship with your custom versuswhich is why DMARC is an essential email securitysolution that prevents cyber attacks from hijacking yourdomains for email spoofing, executive...

Using Agari in Marketing

Transcript Email security is often overlooked when thinking about brand protection, but it's actually very pivotal. On one hand, I want to make sure as a CMO that I am disallowing anyone from co-opting my brand to spoof consumers or customers. That's very important to me. On the other hand, I want to make sure that my email, my legitimate message that I'm...

Farm Bureau Bank

"Since email security is so important, we work very hard to ensure the transport of email is done efficiently as we as securely." - Howard Gordon, Vice President and Information Security Officer

SMTPS: Securing SMTP and the Differences Between SSL, TLS, and the Ports They Use

What is the difference between SMTPS and SMTP? SMTPS uses additional SSL or TLS cryptographic protocols for improved security, and the extra "S" stands for SECURE! By default, SMTP to send email lacks encryption and can be used for sending without any protection in place, leaving emails with an SMTP setup susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks...

5 Big Myths about DMARC, Debunked

With email attacks contributing to billions of lost dollars each year, a growing number of organizations are adopting Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC) in an effort to protect themselves and their customers from fraudsters. Adoption of DMARC has steadily gained traction since the onset of the pandemic, and the original email authentication protocols at the heart...

2022 Data Privacy Week – Education and Inspiration

As the world becomes more and more dependent on online resources to complete daily tasks, such as work meetings, grocery shopping, and even exercising, the risk of cyber attacks, data breaches, and information stealing increases. If you’re not already protecting your personal information online, now is the perfect time to start, as Data Privacy Weeks kicks off today. Led by the National Cyber...

Six Steps to Email Security Best Practice

To help IT teams define a robust email security policy and determine what’s required from an email security solution, we’ve put together a new six-step guide.

Common Phishing Email Attacks | Examples & Descriptions

What does a phishing email look like? We've compiled phishing email examples to help show what a spoofed email looks like to prevent against phishing attacks. Brand deception phishing is the most common example of phishing people will come across. Brand deception phishing occurs when an attacker mimics a trusted company in an email and asks someone for their personal information like credit card...